Tropica 1-2-GROW Taxiphyllum barbieri
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Taxiphyllum Barbieri
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
Taxiphyllum barbieri from South-East Asia is a hardy plant which makes few demands on the water or light. The moss becomes 3-10 cm thick and grows willingly on any surface, so it is ideal for decorating stones and tree roots or concealing installations in the aquarium. Attach the plant with a piece of fishing line or cotton thread until it has gained a hold on the décor. If its growth becomes too luxuriant, it can be pruned with scissors. In breeding aquariums Taxiphyllum barbieri is a wonderful hiding place for the young fish.
Easy - These plants are simple plants with very few requirements. They tolerate low light conditions and manage without CO2.
What is Tropica 1-2-GROW
Tropica 1-2-GROW are very young plants which are cultivated in the Tropica Labs. The plants are guaranteed to be free from Snails, Algae and pesticides making them 100% harmless for sensitive livestock. They use a difficulty system which is displayed on the plants pots which relates to the categories of Easy, Medium and Hard.
Planting is easy with the 1-2-Grow range. Simply follow the 3 steps. Step one, remove packing and rinse plant. Step two, Separate the pot into smaller portions and step 3, grow!
Making sure your plants get what they need
We always recommend using fertilisers and nutrient rich substrates for your plants to ensure the optimal environment for them. This gives the best chance at success in your aquarium with any plants.
We would recommend using tropica’s range of plant care products such as the Tropica Fertilizer, Tropica Soil and Tropica Capsules to ensure the best results.
At a glance
Easy and undemanding moss
Attaches to rock and wood
Commonly named Java moss