Waterlife Haloex 250ml
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Waterlife Haloex 250ml
Waterlife Haloex 250ml is an award-winning, fast acting water conditioner and a dechlorinator. The 250ml tub helps to eradicate damaging toxins found within tap water such as chlorine, chloramine, fluorine.
Waterlife Haloex 250ml also binds heavy metals and naturally coats a fish's gills and body to protect them. The special formula helps to reduce stress in fish as well as helping to improve tissue growth after an infection. Haloex also reinforces the body's protective mucus (helping to prevent disease).
At a Glance:
Size: 250ml
Fast acting dechlorinator and water conditioner
Eradicates damaging toxins found in water such as fluorine, chloramine and chlorine
Binds heavy metals
Naturally coats the fish's gills and body to protect them
Reduces stress in fish
Helps to improve tissue growth after an infection
Reinforces a fish's protective mucus to prevent disease
Easy to administer
Air tight container to prevent against sun, damp and air damage.